
State Space Representation ( Dynamic Systems ) | Mechanical Engineering
State Space Representation Dynamic Systems...
published: 03 Aug 2011
Author: WesaMechanism
State Space Representation ( Dynamic Systems ) | Mechanical Engineering
State Space Representation Dynamic Systems

Multiagent Dynamical Systems
I will show how to model multiagent systems using dynamical systems theory by deriving a c...
published: 04 May 2012
Author: spikebiker2day
Multiagent Dynamical Systems
I will show how to model multiagent systems using dynamical systems theory by deriving a class of macroscopic differential equations that describe mutual adaptation in agent collectives, starting from a discrete-time stochastic (microscopic) model. The resulting dynamical systems show that the agents' adaptation is a dynamic balance between optimization of actions that achieve the highest rewards (exploitation) and randomization that chooses locally suboptimal, but novel actions (exploration). It turns out that, although individual agents interact with their environment and other agents in a purely self-interested way without sharing knowledge and ignorant of a context larger than immediate interaction, a strategic dynamic emerges naturally between agents. Under suitable assumptions, the strategic interactions can be interpreted as a game. Overall, though, the emergent strategies are determined by environment-mediated interactions and agents' local reinforcement schemes and so are not amenable to game-theoretic techniques. Application to several familiar, explicitly game-theoretic interactions shows that the adaptation dynamics exhibits a diversity of collective behaviors, including stable limit cycles, quasiperiodicity, intermittency, and deterministic chaos. The simplicity of the assumptions underlying the macroscopic equations suggests that these behaviors should be expected broadly in multiagent systems. Computational Science and Engineering, UC Davis Speaker: James <b>...</b>

Modeling and control of dynamic systems - From electric vehicles to systems biology : Adachi's Group
At the Adachi Laboratory, the theme of research is modeling and control. Control means act...
published: 21 Feb 2010
Author: keiouniversity
Modeling and control of dynamic systems - From electric vehicles to systems biology : Adachi's Group
At the Adachi Laboratory, the theme of research is modeling and control. Control means actively changing a systems dynamics in a desired way. Control is utilized in various aspects of daily life. Q. Specifically, as in the control of automobiles, satellites, and robots, were talking about controlling a moving object, that is, an object with dynamics. Control appears in various familiar settings, but we cant see it, so we may not know whats being controlled. For example, in a car engine, we control the timing to make the car run smoothly. We benefit from control in all sorts of places; its just that we dont know that because we cant see it happening. Were studying this kind of approach to control theoretically. The Adachi Lab does research on control theory, which systemizes this approach to control. The subject of control theory is dynamic systems. Dynamic means that a systems motion can be represented by a set of differential equations. Virtually everything in the natural and artificial worlds can be considered as a dynamic system. Q: Our group is strong in the field of system identification. We tackle difficult topics, such as how to construct a dynamic model of the subject system, and how to measure it. For example, if you want to control a robot, you need to know physical relationships and physical laws, such as what happens when the robot walks in a certain way. This sort of thing is called modeling, and thats what we do. System identification is one type of modeling <b>...</b>

Saylor ME401: Separable Differential Equations
This video is a lecture used in ME401 as part of our Mechanical Engineering area of study ...
published: 03 Aug 2011
Author: saylorfoundation
Saylor ME401: Separable Differential Equations
This video is a lecture used in ME401 as part of our Mechanical Engineering area of study on www.saylor.org Terms of Use This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. It is attributed to the Khan Academy and the original version can be found at: www.khanacademy.org

Saylor ME401: 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 1
This video is a lecture used in ME401 as part of our Mechanical Engineering area of study ...
published: 03 Aug 2011
Author: saylorfoundation
Saylor ME401: 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 1
This video is a lecture used in ME401 as part of our Mechanical Engineering area of study on www.saylor.org Terms of Use This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. It is attributed to the Khan Academy and the original version can be found at: www.khanacademy.org Equations.

Examining Dynamic Systems (Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann)
Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann faces challenges everyday in his research even though he investigates...
published: 04 Jun 2009
Examining Dynamic Systems (Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann)
Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann faces challenges everyday in his research even though he investigates ordinary differential equations. The associate professor leads the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in its use of technology for education and is seen as an authority in his field as recognized by other researchers into boundary value problems. Dr. Kaufmann works to ensure that students incorporate writing as well as technology into their mathematics classes. He focuses on using calculus to explain difficult real-world problems by applying mathematical techniques. Dr. Kaufmann has published 34 articles, made 21 invited presentations and 21 contributed presentations, and been cited more than 90 times by other mathematicians. Dr. Kaufmann earned his bachelors degree in mathematics from Ohio State University and a masters degree in applied mathematical systems from the University of Dayton. He earned his doctorate from Auburn University and served three fellowships with the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need program in the United States Department of Education.

State Space Reconstruction: Time Series and Dynamic Systems
This movie demonstrates the relationship between time series and dynamic attractors (manif...
published: 19 Sep 2012
Author: sugiharalab
State Space Reconstruction: Time Series and Dynamic Systems
This movie demonstrates the relationship between time series and dynamic attractors (manifolds, M). Movie S1. A supplemental simulation and animation for "Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems" (Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1227079 (2012)). George Sugihara, Robert May, Hao Ye, Chih-hao Hsieh, Ethan Deyle, Mike Fogarty, and Stephan Munch. animation by: Peter Sugihara, Hao Ye, and George Sugihara

Singularities & Dynamical Systems
ll4.me Singularities & Dynamical Systems This volume is an account of the lectures del...
published: 26 Sep 2012
Author: SRonaldGipson17
Singularities & Dynamical Systems
ll4.me Singularities & Dynamical Systems This volume is an account of the lectures delivered at the international Conference ``Singularities and Dynamical Systems-83''. The main purpose of the Conference was to create conditions of scientific contact between mathematicians and physicists who have singularities and dynamical systems as common interests. Publisher: North Holland Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Singularities & Dynamical Systems Pages: 00458 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 1985-01-01 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780444876416 Category: Mathematics : Differential Equations - General This volume is an account of the lectures delivered at the international Conference ``Singularities and Dynamical Systems-83''. The main purpose of the Conference was to create conditions of scientifi mathematics, differential equations, general

A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 1 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dyn...
published: 23 Nov 2010
Author: eeUCR
A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 1 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dynamic elements with logic states that facilitate decision-making capabilities. The resulting closed-loop system is a hybrid dynamical system, one in which the overall state changes continuously in some regions of the state space and changes instantaneously at other points. Additional examples of hybrid systems include mechanical systems with impacts and electrical circuits with impulsive behavior. Hybrid dynamical systems have been studied extensively for over twenty years, although until recently little attention has been given to issues related to robustness, a crucial property for engineered hybrid control systems where robustness to modeling errors and measurement noise is paramount. Over the last five years, significant progress has been made for hybrid systems on stability analysis tools and robustness results that parallel what is available for differential and difference equations. In this lecture, some of these tools and results will be described and their impact on control design will be illustrated.

A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 2 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dyn...
published: 24 Nov 2010
Author: eeUCR
A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 2 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dynamic elements with logic states that facilitate decision-making capabilities. The resulting closed-loop system is a hybrid dynamical system, one in which the overall state changes continuously in some regions of the state space and changes instantaneously at other points. Additional examples of hybrid systems include mechanical systems with impacts and electrical circuits with impulsive behavior. Hybrid dynamical systems have been studied extensively for over twenty years, although until recently little attention has been given to issues related to robustness, a crucial property for engineered hybrid control systems where robustness to modeling errors and measurement noise is paramount. Over the last five years, significant progress has been made for hybrid systems on stability analysis tools and robustness results that parallel what is available for differential and difference equations. In this lecture, some of these tools and results will be described and their impact on control design will be illustrated.

A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 3 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dyn...
published: 24 Nov 2010
Author: eeUCR
A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 3 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dynamic elements with logic states that facilitate decision-making capabilities. The resulting closed-loop system is a hybrid dynamical system, one in which the overall state changes continuously in some regions of the state space and changes instantaneously at other points. Additional examples of hybrid systems include mechanical systems with impacts and electrical circuits with impulsive behavior. Hybrid dynamical systems have been studied extensively for over twenty years, although until recently little attention has been given to issues related to robustness, a crucial property for engineered hybrid control systems where robustness to modeling errors and measurement noise is paramount. Over the last five years, significant progress has been made for hybrid systems on stability analysis tools and robustness results that parallel what is available for differential and difference equations. In this lecture, some of these tools and results will be described and their impact on control design will be illustrated.

A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 4 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dyn...
published: 24 Nov 2010
Author: eeUCR
A talk on "Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Feedback Control" - Part 4 of 5
The potency of feedback control is enhanced by using algorithms that combine classical dynamic elements with logic states that facilitate decision-making capabilities. The resulting closed-loop system is a hybrid dynamical system, one in which the overall state changes continuously in some regions of the state space and changes instantaneously at other points. Additional examples of hybrid systems include mechanical systems with impacts and electrical circuits with impulsive behavior. Hybrid dynamical systems have been studied extensively for over twenty years, although until recently little attention has been given to issues related to robustness, a crucial property for engineered hybrid control systems where robustness to modeling errors and measurement noise is paramount. Over the last five years, significant progress has been made for hybrid systems on stability analysis tools and robustness results that parallel what is available for differential and difference equations. In this lecture, some of these tools and results will be described and their impact on control design will be illustrated.

Differential Equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA (Replaces previous draft) Linear analysis o...
published: 16 Aug 2012
Author: lookatphysics
Differential Equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA (Replaces previous draft) Linear analysis of nonlinear systems

Differential Equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA Linear analysis of nonlinear systems...
published: 24 Aug 2012
Author: lookatphysics
Differential Equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA Linear analysis of nonlinear systems
Vimeo results:

Midnight Sun | Iceland
Midnight Sun: A natural phenomenon oc...
published: 15 Oct 2011
Midnight Sun | Iceland
Midnight Sun: A natural phenomenon occurring in the summer months north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle where the sun never fully sets and remains visible 24 hours a day.
This short time lapse film was shot during the Icelandic Midnight Sun in June of 2011.
For 17 days I travelled solo around the entire island shooting almost 24 hours, sleeping in the car, and eating whenever I had the time. During my days shooting this film I shot 38,000 images, travelled some 2900 miles, and saw some of the most amazing, beautiful, and indescribable landscapes on the planet. Iceland is absolutely one of the most beautiful and unusual places you could ever imagine. Especially during the Midnight Sun when the quality of light hitting the landscape is very unusual, and very spectacular.
Iceland is a landscape photographers paradise and playground, and should be number 1 on every photographers must visit list. Iceland during the Midnight Sun is in sort of a permanent state of sunset. The sun never full sets and travels horizontally across the horizon throughout the night, as can be seen in the opening shot and at the :51 second mark in the video.
During the Arctic summer, sunset was at midnight and sunrise was at 3am. The Arctic summer sun provided 24 hours a day of light, with as much as 6 hours daily of "Golden light". Once the sun had set it wouldn't even get dark enough for the stars to come out, and they don't start to reappear until August.
My advice to everyone out there, photographer or not, is simple... You MUST visit Iceland sometime during your lifetime. You will never regret it.
Interview with Michael Levy Studio about the film:
PRINTS AVAILABLE: http://shop.scientifantastic.com/
If you want to follow my future photographic events you can find me at:
Google+ (http://gplus.to/scientifantastic)
Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/scientifantasti)
Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/scientifantastic)
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scientifantastic/163137190447579)
500px (http://500px.com/scientifantastic)
Motion Control System:
The motion controlled shots in this film were shot using the Stage Zero dolly system made by Dynamic Perception (http://dynamicperception.com/)
Cameras and Lenses:
2 Canon 5DII DSLR cameras
1 Canon 7D
Various Canon lenses
Music by This Will Destroy You
Song: "The World is Our"
Website: http://www.myspace.com/thiswilldestroyyou
Buy It on iTunes: http://itun.es/iBv9NS
Special Thanks to:
REYKJAVIK RENT A CAR (http://www.reykjavikrentacar.is/)
Dynamic Perception (http://www.dynamicperception.com/)
Jag35 (http://www.jag35.com/)
Kessler Crane (http://www.kesslercrane.com/)
LRTimelapse (http://www.lrtimelapse.com)
Timescapes (http://www.timescapes.org)
Michael Levy Studio (www.international-photographer.com) for his Icelandic eROADBOOK

Passing Through
Passing Through by
Kristian Ulrich Larsen http://www.idkul.com and Olafur Haraldsson http:...
published: 17 Jun 2012
Author: Olafur Haraldsson
Passing Through
Passing Through by
Kristian Ulrich Larsen http://www.idkul.com and Olafur Haraldsson http://olihar.com
How to watch?
Max volume.
Shooting location:
Division - Moby
Frank Stubbs
Sound editing:
Yossi Karutchi
Mette Mikkelsen
Niels Peter Skou
Barnabas Wetton
Kolding School of Design
The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech Serbian scientist and inventor
Nicola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than
figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since
he among other things developed the foundations of the European electrical system based on alternating
currents and the principles of wireless radio communication.
At the time he was deeply influenced by the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach, believing
that the world should be conceived as a whole where everything is interconnected influencing each
other. And that energy is a force that runs through everything be it inorganic matter, organisms or human
consciousness. According to this line of thought every single action has universal consequences, not unlike
what the father of modern chaos theory Edward Lorenz in the 1960’s termed ‘the butterfly effect’.
“Passing Through” is made at Kolding School of Design in connection to the Danish iPower-project.
To learn more about the iPower-project go to http://www.designskolenkolding.dk/index.php?id=4052 or www.ipower-net.dk.
Narration text:
"Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present.
A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe.”
Nikola Tesla "The Electrical Review, 1893"
Come and join the Sustainable Energy Facebook page.
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero
Canon 5D Mark II with various lenses.

Finding Portland
Produced 2012 by Uncage the Soul Productions
Ben Canales, John Waller, Steve Engman, Blake...
published: 25 Apr 2012
Author: Uncage the Soul Productions
Finding Portland
Produced 2012 by Uncage the Soul Productions
Ben Canales, John Waller, Steve Engman, Blake Johnson
To plan your adventure to Portland, visit Travel Portland at
Finding Portland was produced, shot, and edited in 51 days during March and April at the invitation of TEDx Portland, where the video was unveiled to a sell out crowd of 650 and met with a standing ovation. Filmed in Portland and the Columbia Gorge, this time-lapse piece offers a new perspective to the City of Roses. From a Portland Timbers season opening soccer game, to the top of the Fremont Bridge, to an aerial shot of Oneonta Gorge, Finding Portland tells the story of a city and its many faces.
Comprised of 308, 829 photographs taken from over 50 unique locations, it took an average of 3.8 hours to make each second of this film. The intent of the project was to place our cameras in unique locations across the city, achieve significant ranges of dynamic camera motion, and pursue cutting edge time-lapse techniques.
Behind the scenes video and photos are posted at
The entire TEDx Portland presentation of Finding Portland by John Waller and Ben Canales will be online in May at http://www.tedxportland.com
Many thanks to those who supported us in this project including...
Original Music Composition by Peter Bosack
Pro Photo Supply...still and video camera and audio equipment support
Dynamic Perception...motion time-lapse systems
Aerial Technology International...remote aerial video and photography
Cam Block Modular Motion Control
Reposted Here:
Huffington Post
Social Soundtrack

The signage system of the alternative music festival DISFORM 2012 has two purposes: to dir...
published: 06 Jul 2012
Author: Dani Wolf
The signage system of the alternative music festival DISFORM 2012 has two purposes: to direct the audience, informing where each area is located; and to enrich the whole experience of the festival itself, by creating an engaging dialogue between the signs
and their surroundings.
The animation and the editing are directly affected by the live music performances, using OpenGL technology. The additional layer of information is dynamic and updated in real-time in order to help the audience of the festival.
My graduation project for the Bezalel Academy of Design and Arts / 2012
Watch the signs in action:
BAR sign - vimeo.com/45349390
PARKING sign - vimeo.com/45350003
FOOD COURT sign - vimeo.com/45350885
RESTROOMS sign - vimeo.com/45351447
Music by: Sufjan Stevens, Beck and Deerhoof
Youtube results:

Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems
RI Seminar, February 18, 2011 Andre Platzer Assistant Professor, Computer Science Departme...
published: 17 Mar 2011
Author: cmurobotics
Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems
RI Seminar, February 18, 2011 Andre Platzer Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University Hybrid systems model cyber-physical systems as dynamical systems with interacting discrete transitions and continuous evolutions along differential equations. They arise frequently in many application domains, including aviation, automotive, railway, and robotics. Because these systems operate in the physical world, stringent safety requirements are usually imposed on cyber-physical system designs. There is a well-understood theory for guaranteeing correct functioning of computer programs using logic and formal verification techniques. But what about cyber-physical systems? How can we ensure that cyber-physical systems are guaranteed to meet their design goals, eg, that an aircraft cannot crash into another one? This talk describes how logic and formal verification can be lifted to hybrid systems. It presents the theoretical and practical foundations of logical analysis of hybrid systems. The talk describes a logic for hybrid systems called differential dynamic logic and gives a perfectly compositional proof technique. This logical approach is implemented in the verification tool KeYmaera and has been used successfully for verifying nontrivial properties of aircraft, railway, and car control applications. The logical approach is also interesting from a theoretical perspective, because it shows how verification techniques for continuous dynamics can be <b>...</b>

Differential equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA Linear analysis of nonlinear systems Local ...
published: 16 Jul 2012
Author: lookatphysics
Differential equations IVb: Cribsheet of almost linear stability analysis
(C) 2012 David Liao lookatphysics.com CC-BY-SA Linear analysis of nonlinear systems Local linearization: Jacobian

Takens' theorem in action for the Lorenz chaotic attractor
Movies from the supplementary info of the paper "Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosy...
published: 20 Sep 2012
Author: emulenews
Takens' theorem in action for the Lorenz chaotic attractor
Movies from the supplementary info of the paper "Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems," authored by George Sugihara, Robert May, Hao Ye, Chih-hao Hsieh, Ethan Deyle, Michael Fogarty, and Stephan Munch. Published Online September 20 2012 in Science Express: dx.doi.org Movie S1 This movie demonstrates the relationship between time series and dynamic attractors (manifolds, M). Movie S2 This movie illustrates how Takens' Theorem (19) can be used to reconstruct a shadow manifold MX from a single time series, and illustrates the 1:1 mapping between M and MX. Movie S3 This movie explains how convergent cross mapping (CCM) estimates states across variables.

Simple Model of the Lorenz Attractor
A simple animation of the Lorenz Attractor written in C++/OpenGL. Three 'particles'...
published: 06 Feb 2010
Author: HumaticS
Simple Model of the Lorenz Attractor
A simple animation of the Lorenz Attractor written in C++/OpenGL. Three 'particles' are placed very close to one another, and at first their movement is identical. But as time progresses, they diverge from one another. Cool stuff!! This was my first attempt at creating an animation of the system. I want to add more stuff though. Hopefully there will be more videos... Song: Prophetic Sines by Bluetech